
The Million Dollar Life Match

This unique grant program supports LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their communities.

In January 2022, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) launched a unique program to support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities. The program, aptly named the Million Dollar Life Match, provided up to $1 million in matching-fund grants, ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 each, to assist with these efforts.

At the 68th Regular Convention of the LCMS in July 2023, the LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) announced the expansion of the program to include an additional $1 million to be distributed over the coming triennium. The grants are now available to both LCMS congregations and districts, in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $10,000.

“Congregations of all sizes are making a tremendous difference in their local communities with the help of Million Dollar Life Match grants,” said Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, managing director of Human Care and Ministerial Support for the ONM. “Lutherans are showing with our words and deeds that we love because Christ first loved us. This expansion is an opportunity for creativity and the development of new efforts that teach, speak up for life and care for our neighbors in body and soul.”

As of March 2024, a total of 144 grants had been awarded throughout the Synod’s 35 districts. Grants have been used to support life ministry projects; serve families with beginning-of-life needs through Word and Sacrament ministry; provide supplies like diapers, clothing and other much-needed items; and help local pregnancy resource centers with renovations and equipment purchases like ultrasound machines. Though each project has been unique, every grant has provided an opportunity to serve families in love and mercy.

The Million Dollar Life Match will continue through 2026, with application deadlines in January 2025 and January 2026. Call 888-843-5267, Ext. 1217, to speak with Kris Freeman in LCMS Life Ministry for more information about how your congregation can get involved in life efforts.

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