The Rev. Matthew Wurm, senior pastor of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Brookings, S.D., speaks at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.


Resources on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues

The LCMS Office of National Mission has created resources and held events to equip congregations, church workers and parents.

In response to 2019 Resolution 11-03A, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Office of National Mission (ONM) established the Created Male and Female Task Force to “continue to provide resources that enable the church to confess the truth boldly and minister compassionately both to those who experience sexual orientation and gender identity issues and those who care for them.” This work was affirmed at the 2023 convention by the adoption of Res. 1-04A.

In 2023 and 2024, the ONM published Bible studies, articles and podcast episodes focused on equipping LCMS congregations and church workers to respond to sexual orientation and gender identity issues.

The ONM also held two events in April 2024 on this topic. The first was a retreat for parents who have children struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity issues. During the retreat, parents had time to share their stories, study God’s Word and develop strategies for their families.

Later that month, the ONM collaborated with DOXOLOGY to offer a conference at the LCMS International Center. During this “In His Image” conference, pastors, educators and laity gathered to discuss pastoral support for families of children who identify as transgender, how to care for children who identify as transgender, and the Christian worldview on sexuality and how to response to conflict in our culture today. More events are planned for 2024.

Resources on these topics can be found in the Life Ministry library. Future LCMS events and conferences will be listed on the dedicated Created Male and Female webpage.

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