Spring 2024

“It’s a thrilling ride when you try to go where God is leading,” says
Principal John Jacob of Bethel Lutheran School in Morton, Ill.
Bethel stepped out in faith to start a new Lutheran high
school with only eight families and two teachers. Today, the program
is flourishing. In this issue, you’ll find several such stories about Lutherans who have been presented with unusual and exciting opportunities to share the Gospel, from a new Lutheran church plant in Rome to a home for children with albinism in Tanzania to a church reaching out to its Hispanic community in Texas.
Feature Stories
- Preaching Christ Crucified in Modern-Day Rome
With a church plant and recent theological conference in Rome, Lutheranism is blossoming in Italy. - Opening Doors for His Word
Lutheranism is spreading in Tanzania, where the church focuses on theological education, evangelism and mercy work. - ‘Hope and Perseverance’ in Panama
Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, which was once devastated by a series of catastrophic events, recently welcomed worshipers back to its beautifully restored sanctuary. - A New Model for Lutheran Education
Bethel Lutheran Church and School in Morton, Ill., has found an innovative way to provide a solid high school education.
Also in This Issue
- Director’s Letter: Eyewitnesses of Jesus’ Majesty
- Q&A: Q&A with the Rev. Sean Daenzer
- Mercy Moment: Feeding Families, Both Physically and Spiritually
- Spotlight: Advancing the Lord’s Mission Together