Summer 2024

“It’s so amazing to see how God just made everything fall into place.”
David Anderson said these words about Light of the World Lutheran Church, a church plant in DeSoto, Kan. But they could also be used to describe the other projects in this issue of Lutherans Engage the World, from the dedication of a new Lutheran center in Romania, to the opportunity three pastors have had to serve their communities in unique ways, to the staggering array of mercy projects that your gifts and prayers have supported over the past few years.
Thank you for reading and for walking with us in Christ’s church.
Feature Stories
- Bringing the Gospel back to the Balkans
A new hub for worship and outreach in Brașov, Romania, is helping to bring together small groups of Lutherans from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries in the area. - ‘A Lot of Chances to Love People’
LCMS church workers serve in specialized settings like fire stations, police departments and hospitals, where they bring the light of Christ to those experiencing difficult situations. - By the Mercies of God
God blessed the church with an outpouring of donations, and the LCMS has put those dollars to work through tangible acts of mercy. - ‘Amazed by God’s Plan’
LCMS church plants in Kansas and Texas have taken different paths to reach the same goal of providing Word and Sacrament ministry to their communities.
Also in This Issue
- Director’s Letter: A New Commandment
- Q&A: Q&A with DCE Suzanne Watt
- Mercy Moment: Touching God’s Word
- Spotlight: Walking Together in Word and Sacrament