Witness Moment

Eyes of Life

Seeing and Living in Christ Alone

“I will speak up for life because my mom didn’t kill me,” states Diego. Simple. Grateful that his mother faced a difficult decision and chose life, he now lives with his adopted family and rejoices in God’s love.

The Rev. Dr. Norman Nagel had a stroke. He is no longer able to teach at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He is no longer able to preach. Or write. Or walk. He is confined to a room, unless his wife pushes him somewhere in his wheelchair.


Could someone say that his worth has diminished? Or that his life no longer contributes to the greater good of society, except in the memories of those he taught? Some would suggest that he consumes resources and space that could be better used by others.

Yet Nagel said, “The Lord must intend some blessing in this.” And his life is a gift from the One who is life and light. His value is established by the One who gives him life.

These are just a few of the people sharing their stories through Eyes of Life, a campaign from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod about the way God sees life. In the midst of a world dominated by death, God sees through eyes of life. Through the resurrection of Jesus, life wins. Life defines the content and context of our conversations as we learn to see as God sees.

Those who are in Christ are called to witness to life. Those who have been transformed from death to life through the death and resurrection of Jesus are called to see all of life through the eyes of life — and to proclaim life.

At eyesoflife.org, read real-life stories about children, teenagers, adults and their families, stories that proclaim the gift of life in God’s hands.

Jesus is alive. He reigns over all things through His life. He teaches us how to see. Death is the defeated enemy. Life wins. Look at life. Learn to see how Jesus sees. With eyes of life.

How can you show that you see with eyes of life?

Opportunities exist all around us:

  • PARTICIPATE in the conversation about life and life issues by sharing your story at eyesoflife.org/share-your-story. Join in by talking about how God has taught you to see with eyes of life. Speak the truth of life.
  • VOLUNTEER with organizations that support life. You can help those who are facing beginning-of-life questions or end-of-life situations. Support a local pregnancy center. Volunteer with a local hospice program. Hold a drive to collect diapers, formula or other basic essentials to support those who have chosen life.
  • Make plans to JOIN in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017, and stay for the LCMS Life Conference in Arlington, Va., Jan. 27-29. Proclaim life in the One who conquered death through His resurrection.
  • SUPPORT LCMS Life Ministry’s efforts with your prayers and gifts at lcms.org/life.
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