Engage Stories

Church Planting in the Salt Lake Valley

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Riverton, Utah, preaches the Word in the suburbs of Salt Lake City.

Q&A with LCMS Chief Administrative Officer Felix Loc

Loc brings years of business experience and a love for his church to the position.

Preaching Christ Crucified in Milwaukee

Highlights from the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, held July 29–Aug. 3 in Milwaukee.

Praise, Work, Prayer, Fellowship

A week at an LCMS Servant Event.

‘Your Service Matters’

A congregation in Washington and a summer camp in Michigan are working to raise up youth for faithful service in God’s kingdom.

A Path to a Brighter Future

Project 24 is changing the lives of young people in Kenya.

Connecting Across the Miles

Two American families travel to Kenya to meet the students they sponsor through the Synod’s Christ’s Care for Children: Kenya program.

Leaving in Christ’s Peace

LCMS pastors and deaconesses serve people in their golden years, pointing them to Jesus Christ and His promises for them.

Q&A with Missionary Joyce Erber

Joyce Erber serves the LCMS in the vital role of Africa regional business manager.

‘Who Do You Say That I Am?’

With Peter, the church confesses that God Himself came into the world clothed in human flesh to save believers and give them forgiveness and salvation.

Serving Those Who Serve

LCMS chaplains and service members share how military chaplains shepherd the souls in their care.

Greetings from Our International Partners

On the occasion of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s 175th anniversary.

National Mission

A brief look at some of the ways the LCMS Office of National Mission serves the church at large.

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