A New Maternity Home in Illinois
A Million Dollar Life Match grant supported a joint venture between Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries and congregations in northern Illinois.
The Million Dollar Life Match
This unique grant program supports LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their communities.
Rebuilding After the Iowa Derecho
Lutherans organized a collaborative response to care for those impacted by a massive wind storm in Iowa in 2020.
Serving After the Selma Tornado
LCMS Disaster Response and its partners shared Christ’s love through prayer and service in tornado-torn Selma, Ala., in 2023.
Providing Chainsaw Training
LCMS Disaster Response equips LERT volunteers with chainsaw skills so they can better serve after a disaster.
Recovery after Hurricane Ian
After Hurricane Ian hit in 2022, LCMS Disaster Response organized a full-scale recovery effort in conjunction with the affected districts and the LERT volunteer network.
Advancing the Lord’s Mission Together
LCMS Mission Advancement helps contributors accomplish their goals for giving — all in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Feeding Families, Both Physically and Spiritually
Trinity Klein Lutheran Church in Spring, Texas, used a grant to help provide food and Bibles to the community.
Q&A with the Rev. Sean Daenzer
Daenzer is director of LCMS Worship and the primary organizer behind the 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.
A New Model for Lutheran Education
Bethel Lutheran Church and School in Morton, Ill., has found an innovative way to provide a solid high school education.
Immigrant, Pastor, Missionary
God is at work among the Karen people in Fort Wayne, Ind., through the first Lutheran pastor from their community.
A Vast Community of Support
Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa, plays an important role in raising awareness in support of the Synod’s missionaries.
‘God’s Hands and Feet’
Lutherans care for the Maui community following a devastating fire.