Fall 2021

We’re back! After a yearlong printing hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are so pleased to bring you this issue of Lutherans Engage the World. Even though the pandemic disrupted many things, it could not stop the Gospel from going forth. In the Fall 2021 issue, you’ll read about how the work of the church continues around the world, in places as diverse as Alaska, Louisiana and Finland. Thanks for continuing to join us on the journey.
Feature Stories
- From Field to Field
Whether in Mexico or New Orleans, the Rev. Andrew Schlund continues to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments to his flock.
- ‘To Live Is Christ’
The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland stands firm on the Word of God, despite opposition and persecution.
- The ‘Constant Job’ of Caring
From South Carolina to Alaska, deaconesses support their churches or organizations by caring for the physical and spiritual needs of others.
- Huddled in Houston
Youth workers and youth gathered in Houston in July for a joint National21 and YouthLead conference.
Also in This Issue
- Director’s Letter: Drawn to the Tree
- Q&A: With Deaconess Tiffany Manor
- Witness Moment: Synod Launches ‘Set Apart to Serve’ Initiative
- A Word of Encouragement: From LCMS President Harrison