
Pro-life Educational Materials

Curriculum from LCMS Life Ministry uses ultrasound footage to teach about life in the womb.

For the last few years, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Life Ministry has been creating resources that teach about the sanctity of human life. One resource set, which is now available for free, is “Looking at Life in the Womb.”

Through age-appropriate content and activities for early childhood, elementary school students and teenagers, the resource set explores God’s development of a child in the womb from conception to birth. The curriculum, prepared for both LCMS schools and homeschoolers, utilizes footage from real ultrasounds to teach students about prenatal development and what God’s Word says about life. There is also a teacher resource guide that includes lesson plans, videos, ultrasound imagery and supplemental information, so teachers can teach the material with confidence.

“The resources are flexible and able to be used in a variety of contexts, including in LCMS school classrooms, homes, Sunday schools and congregational programs,” said Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, managing director of Human Care and Ministerial Support for the LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM). “The ultrasound images and videos provide a profound glimpse of very young human life prior to birth, allowing people of all ages to more clearly understand the humanity of each pre-born child. These Christ-centered resources focus on God’s creation and love for every human life.”

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