Posts byMegan Mertz

Missionary Care

The LCMS Office of International Mission supports the well-being of missionary families at every stage of their service.

Responding to Emergencies

The LCMS Office of International Mission allocates funds for each region to use when an opportunity arises to demonstrate Christ’s mercy to someone in need.

Flood Recovery in Ethiopia

The LCMS provided assistance following a flood that damaged the seminary of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus.

Construction of a New Project 24 Site in Kenya

The LCMS provided funding for the eighth Project 24 site for vulnerable children in Kenya.

Care for the Disabled in the Dominican Republic

Lutherans in the Dominican Republic are changing attitudes toward people with developmental disabilities.

Outreach Centers in Russia

The LCMS supports two outreach centers in Russia that provide pastoral care, counseling, financial assistance and other services to those in need.

Sending Short-Term Mission Teams

The LCMS Short-Term Mission Program is sending more volunteers on mission trips and filling more field requests than ever before.

Care for Venezuelans

The LCMS is bringing mercy and God’s Word to Venezuelans amid their country’s humanitarian crisis.

Church Worker Retreats

The LCMS Office of National Mission has held retreats around the country to care for the Synod’s ordained and commissioned ministers.

Pro-life Educational Materials

Curriculum from LCMS Life Ministry uses ultrasound footage to teach about life in the womb.

Child Protection Training Initiative

The LCMS has provided resources to help Lutheran congregations and schools protect the children in their care.

Adoption and Foster Care Resources

LCMS Life Ministry provides written materials, videos and podcasts on these topics.

Marching for Life

LCMS participation in life marches continues to increase each year, with Lutherans standing up for life at events all around the country.

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