‘Christ for You’
KFUO Radio celebrates 100 years of continuous operation.
Gathering the Faithful in Japan
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s only missionary in Japan seeks to bring together faithful Lutherans scattered around the country.
Welcoming Children into Homes and Hearts
Lutheran foster families in Illinois and Wisconsin care for children during a difficult time in their lives.
‘God Is with Us in Suffering’
Lutherans in Brazil and Chile care for each other and their communities in the midst of devastating disasters.
Bringing the Gospel Back to the Balkans
A new hub for worship and outreach in Brașov, Romania, is helping to bring together small groups of Lutherans from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries in the area.
‘A Lot of Chances to Love People’
LCMS church workers serve in specialized settings like fire stations, police departments and hospitals, where they bring the light of Christ to those experiencing difficult situations.
Walking Together in Word and Sacrament
This pictorial tour highlights what makes each congregation unique.
Q&A with DCE Suzanne Watt
Since 2010, Watt has led youth and adults on seven servant event trips.
Touching God’s Word
An Oklahoma congregation partners with Lutheran Braille Workers to put Braille and large-print resources into the hands of the visually impaired.
‘Amazed by God’s Plan’
LCMS church plants in Kansas and Texas have taken different paths to reach the same goal of providing Word and Sacrament ministry to their communities.
By the Mercies of God
God blessed the church with an outpouring of donations, and the LCMS has put those dollars to work through tangible acts of mercy.
A New Commandment
Christians are called to love and serve their neighbors according to the example of Jesus Christ.
‘Hope and Perseverance’ in Panama
Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, which was once devastated by a series of catastrophic events, recently welcomed worshipers back to its beautifully restored sanctuary.