Engage Stories

Preaching Christ Crucified in Modern-Day Rome

With a church plant and recent theological conference in Rome, Lutheranism is blossoming in Italy.

A New Model for Lutheran Education

Bethel Lutheran Church and School in Morton, Ill., has found an innovative way to provide a solid high school education.

Opening Doors for His Word

Lutheranism is spreading in Tanzania, where the church focuses on theological education, evangelism and mercy work.

Encouragement and Unity in Christ

God graciously gives us both His Word and fellowship with other Christians.

Building Up a Church Body

God is using a network of people and organizations to build His church in Cambodia.

Immigrant, Pastor, Missionary

God is at work among the Karen people in Fort Wayne, Ind., through the first Lutheran pastor from their community.

A Vast Community of Support

Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa, plays an important role in raising awareness in support of the Synod’s missionaries.

‘God’s Hands and Feet’

Lutherans care for the Maui community following a devastating fire.

A Journey of Faith and Worship

Spanish-speaking Lutherans around the world rejoice at the arrival of their new hymnal, Himnario Luterano.

Church Planting in the Salt Lake Valley

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Riverton, Utah, preaches the Word in the suburbs of Salt Lake City.

Q&A with LCMS Chief Administrative Officer Felix Loc

Loc brings years of business experience and a love for his church to the position.

Preaching Christ Crucified in Milwaukee

Highlights from the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, held July 29–Aug. 3 in Milwaukee.

Praise, Work, Prayer, Fellowship

A week at an LCMS Servant Event.

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