Walking Together in Word and Sacrament
This pictorial tour highlights what makes each congregation unique.
Throughout 2024, The Lutheran Witness has featured LCMS congregations from around the country in a monthly series called “Walking Together.” The series spotlights what makes each congregation unique and how our Lord works through His people in that place. It also highlights what binds all of our congregations together in Christ: the faithful preaching of God’s Word, the Sacraments rightly administered, the pure Gospel as taught in the Lutheran Confessions, and the various ways the members of the congregation live out their God-given vocations as they serve one another in love.
Enjoy this brief pictorial tour through the congregations that have been featured so far. Then go to to learn more about how you can enter your own congregation to be featured in a future edition of the magazine. Visit to subscribe.

From top, left to right: Trinity Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, Wis.; Christ Lutheran Church, Pascagoula, Miss.; Grace Lutheran Church, Correll, Minn.; the first college building of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Altenburg, Mo.; First Lutheran Church, Boston; Our Savior Lutheran Church, Raleigh, N.C.; Grace Lutheran Church, Correll, Minn.; and Christ Lutheran Church, Pascagoula, Miss.