
Responding to Emergencies

The LCMS Office of International Mission allocates funds for each region to use when an opportunity arises to demonstrate Christ’s mercy to someone in need.

Theological Education in Taiwan

LCMS missionary Rev. Dr. Michael Paul serves as a theological educator in Taiwan.

Music on the Mission Field

David’s Harp is supporting international outreach efforts in Latin America and Asia.

United in the Mission of the Church

Meet three of the Synod’s missionaries who are serving in the Czech Republic, Papua New Guinea and Kenya.

‘Let’s Just Sing God’s Word’

Benjamin Vanderhyde is serving his two-year vicarage singing God’s Word with God’s people in Sri Lanka.

Gathered Around the Good News

Papua New Guinea’s Gutnius Lutheran Church continues to grow in the Word of God.

Gospel Comfort for Fearful Souls

Vicar Changlong Chen found hope in the Gospel, and he wants to share it with others in Taiwan.

Such as I Have Give I Thee

Local Lutherans care for their neighbors in the jungles of Indonesia

Trusting God in War and Peace

An encounter in 1945 has resulted in blessings for children in the Philippines today.

‘Bless the Lord’: The Primacy of Theological Education in Sri Lanka

In September, the first Lutheran pastor was ordained in Sri Lanka in over a decade.

Bringing Luther’s Legacy to China

Since the 1990s, Lutherans have been working to translate Luther’s Works into Chinese.

Tears of Thankfulness and Joy

The journey of Lutheranism to India came full circle during a January trip to St. Charles, Mo.

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