Posts byMegan Mertz

Come and See

As the call to repentance extends to all, so also does the promise of the Gospel and God’s work of mercy.

‘There in the Name of Jesus Christ’

After Hurricane Ian hit Florida in September, LCMS Disaster Response and its volunteers and partners were quick to provide helping hands and the Gospel to those in need.

Shining a Light in the Darkness

Lutherans in Uruguay are sharing God’s Word with others.

‘How Are They to Hear?’

St. Martin Lutheran School in Dearborn, Mich., shares the Gospel through deaf ministry.

From Chef to Shepherd

A new national pastor is ordained and installed to serve God’s children through the Lutheran mission in Peru.

‘At All Times and in All Places’

Representatives from 34 of the LCMS’ partner churches gather for two days of discussion and fellowship in Kenya.

Q&A with Rev. James Krikava, Eurasia Regional Director

The Rev. James Krikava talks about what The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is doing to assist Ukraine and displaced Ukrainians amid the current crisis.

Help and Hope After Disaster

Members of the Synod’s Lutheran Early Response Team program help with recovery efforts after a tornado touches down near Mayfield, Ky.

From Mission Plant to Mission Partner

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil have been walking together for 120-plus years.

Music on the Mission Field

David’s Harp is supporting international outreach efforts in Latin America and Asia.

Prepared for Service in East Africa

At Matongo Lutheran Theological College in Kenya, students study to become pastors, deaconesses and evangelists.

Keeping the ‘Missionary Briquette’ Hot

A project to reach Farsi speakers energizes experts from both sides of the Atlantic.

Stewards of the Mysteries of God

Following the example of St. Paul, the church should preach the only person worth preaching: Jesus Christ.

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