Engage Stories

Lutheran school accreditation

Accreditation helps schools provide quality education coupled with the love of Christ.

Year of disasters

In 2016, caring Lutherans came together to provide the comfort of the Gospel to people impacted by disaster.

Keeping College Students in the Faith

A grant helps to provide for campus ministry in Pittsburgh

Ships, Sailors, Students and Stoles

Q&A with the Rev. Dr. Daniel Gard, who recently retired from a long career as a Naval Reserve chaplain

Caring for Young Mothers in Texas

A grant supports young mothers in Texas

Donor-Guided Ministry Makes ‘Tremendous Impact’

The first round of National Offering allocations have been made.

Loving Others, One Soul at a Time

Message from the Rev. Kevin D. Robson.

A Place Where Children Can Thrive

Udom Children’s Center in Kenya provides a Christ-centered environment for at-risk children.

Mercy to Cuban Sojourners

A grant to Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care is helping to provide for an infux of Cuban immigrants.

Paving the Way with Mercy in Rural Kenya

Twelve members of the LCMS travel across the world to provide medical care and the Gospel in Turkana, Kenya.

Faithfully Waiting for God’s Timing

El Calvario Lutheran Church in Brownsville, Texas, receives a new pastor after a three-year vacancy.

Q&A with Nabil Nour

The Rev. Nabil S. Nour, LCMS third vice-president, talks about his roles as a Synod leader and parish pastor.

Eyes of Life

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s new campaign promotes seeing with eyes of life.

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