Director’s Letter
God Is at Work Through You
I thank God for you. Your faith in action — your prayers, gifts and service — provides thousands of opportunities to proclaim Christ and His mercy to those who may hear it for the first time. Thank you.
Across the U.S., our congregations and districts reach out with the Gospel, planting and revitalizing churches in cities, suburbs and rural communities. Our schools, universities and seminaries faithfully prepare students to lovingly serve their neighbor in their vocations. As the Body of Christ, we share His mercy in every conceivable context with those who suffer.

Over the past four years, the number of career missionaries has nearly doubled. They plant churches, teach the faith and bear mercy alongside congregations, districts and international partner church bodies. In this work, your continual support is vital.
The world is noticing God at work! Right now, 22 Lutheran church bodies are seeking fellowship with us. They crave our faithful biblical teaching. World Lutheranism is undergoing a historic transformation, returning to the teachings of the Reformation.
God generously gives all we need to support this body and life, including the work of His Kingdom. The question “How well are we stewarding the resources God provides?” has been on my heart for months.
It’s time for a bit of straight talk about funding our work together.
It’s no secret that the Synod’s finances mirror the American economy. The past 18 months have been particularly challenging. Presidential politics and the lackluster economy have depressed giving. We’ve reset priorities and reduced expenditures, and yet we move boldly, trusting that God’s kingdom continues to advance and His Church stands against the attacks of hell itself. We are thankful for the record number of congregations and other entities that are supporting missionaries.
God is always in control. He continues to bless His Church, and through His Church, the world. This issue of Lutherans Engage the World is filled with stories of what God is doing through you!
In Jesus, sub cruce,
Pastor Matthew C. Harrison
President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod