Moving Families Forward
Trinity Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Neb., welcomes and cares for local families through a pro-life ministry called Forward.
Walking Together Around the World
Learn about the five church bodies that will be brought before the Synod in convention in 2023.
Come and See
As the call to repentance extends to all, so also does the promise of the Gospel and God’s work of mercy.
‘There in the Name of Jesus Christ’
After Hurricane Ian hit Florida in September, LCMS Disaster Response and its volunteers and partners were quick to provide helping hands and the Gospel to those in need.
Shining a Light in the Darkness
Lutherans in Uruguay are sharing God’s Word with others.
‘How Are They to Hear?’
St. Martin Lutheran School in Dearborn, Mich., shares the Gospel through deaf ministry.
Encouraging the Church’s Young People
For 42 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering has strengthened teenagers in the faith while also raising up young adults for service to the church and world.
From Chef to Shepherd
A new national pastor is ordained and installed to serve God’s children through the Lutheran mission in Peru.
‘At All Times and in All Places’
Representatives from 34 of the LCMS’ partner churches gather for two days of discussion and fellowship in Kenya.
Q&A with the Rev. Jonathan Manor, Director of PALS
The Rev. Jonathan Manor talks about PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support) at the LCMS.
Generations of Service
The seeds of one missionary family’s work continue to sprout in Papua New Guinea.
On the Move Together
Our unity in the faith comes from Jesus Christ alone.
Constant Suffering and Confident Hope
In Christ, we stand as one, joined together in our shared suffering and hope.