International Work

Grant Assists Filipino Lutherans Impacted by Typhoons

Six typhoons made landfall in the Philippines during a three-week period in late 2024, damaging many homes and churches.

United in Word and Song

Lutherans in Indonesia and the United States celebrate the creation of a new hymnal in the Indonesian language.

Celebrating 100 Years of Pastoral Education in India

Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, India, recognized its 100th anniversary with a three-day celebration in September.

Protecting the Religious Liberty of Those Who Serve

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces helps America’s service members and their chaplains preserve their right to the free exercise of religion.

Worship, Study and Brotherly Support in Wittenberg

International church leaders reflect on the importance of attending gatherings organized by LCMS Church Relations.

Q&A with John Kissinger Nyang’au

Kissinger is program director of Project 24 in Kenya.

A New Home in Christ

As the debate about asylum seekers rages in Europe, Persian migrants are finding forgiveness in Jesus Christ and an eternal home in His Body, the church.

Caring for People in Russia

The LCMS supports two outreach centers in Russia that provide pastoral care, counseling, financial assistance and other services to those in need.

A Short-Term Mission Experience in Puerto Rico

In June, a team from St. John’s Lutheran Church, Arnold, Mo., served alongside LCMS missionaries in Puerto Rico.

Gathering the Faithful in Japan

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s only missionary in Japan seeks to bring together faithful Lutherans scattered around the country.

‘God Is with Us in Suffering’

Lutherans in Brazil and Chile care for each other and their communities in the midst of devastating disasters.

Bringing the Gospel Back to the Balkans

A new hub for worship and outreach in Brașov, Romania, is helping to bring together small groups of Lutherans from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries in the area.

Global Safety and Security

LCMS staff utilize industry-leading resources to help keep missionaries safe so they can serve to the best of their ability.

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