International Work

Walking Together Around the World

Learn about the five church bodies that will be brought before the Synod in convention in 2023.

Shining a Light in the Darkness

Lutherans in Uruguay are sharing God’s Word with others.

From Chef to Shepherd

A new national pastor is ordained and installed to serve God’s children through the Lutheran mission in Peru.

‘At All Times and in All Places’

Representatives from 34 of the LCMS’ partner churches gather for two days of discussion and fellowship in Kenya.

Generations of Service

The seeds of one missionary family’s work continue to sprout in Papua New Guinea.

Walking Side by Side in Christ

At a recent convention, the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil celebrated their shared history and solidified plans for future collaboration.

Hope for the Future

A collaboration between the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya supports the education and Christian formation of young people in need, from primary school to college.

Fostering a Lutheran Identity in Latin America

Church leaders from throughout the region gather in the Dominican Republic to celebrate the graduation of 15 church workers and to learn about a new Spanish-language hymnal.

God Gives the Growth

As East African churches experience rapid growth, the LCMS comes alongside to help prepare new pastors and church workers for service.

‘The Word Does Everything’

Students and staff of the Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia, gather in Wittenberg, Germany, for a week of in-person learning and fellowship.

The Return to Rome

A handful of Lutherans have come together to plant the first confessional Lutheran church in Italy.

Q&A with Rev. James Krikava, Eurasia Regional Director

The Rev. James Krikava talks about what The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is doing to assist Ukraine and displaced Ukrainians amid the current crisis.

From Mission Plant to Mission Partner

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil have been walking together for 120-plus years.

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