Director’s Letter
Clinging to God’s Certain Promises

We waver, we flinch, we doubt, we’re frightened. Is God’s promise — His hope — lost in the middle of pandemic and pandemonium? Never. He gave you everything (Rom. 8:32) in order to keep His promise to you, to give you all things, that you would never be separated from Him. To that end, even in the face of what seems impossible, He is working that His will be done.
In every time and place, Jesus Christ is the foundation of genuine courage in confession. He is God’s truth, “our confidence alone” (Lutheran Service Book 909:1), the guarantee of life in the secure, blissful joy of His risen and ascended presence. These things shall have no end. They cannot possibly be bound by time or limited by worldly orders to shelter in place or work from home.
You and I are heading to our real home! We do not place our faith in created things, for they are passing away. What came in the beginning, then from Sinai, from Calvary, from the mouths of God’s spokesmen, from countless altars where the body and blood of Jesus was distributed, from the time and place where you were baptized, is a beautiful sacred mystery of being one — in Christ, with Him, with you and me and all the saints who have gone before. This blessed unity presses forward to the day when all are filled with the fullness of God, when the mortal has put on immortality (1 Cor. 15:53) and every voice is lifted in genuine praise at the triumphant feast of the Lamb of God. “Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, [we] press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:12–14).
Explore the issue and see for yourself.
In Christ,
Rev. Kevin D. Robson
Chief Mission Officer, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod