
Marching for Life

LCMS participation in life marches continues to increase each year, with Lutherans standing up for life at events all around the country.

God is the giver of life and the creator of each person. LCMS Life Ministry witnesses to the sanctity of life by proclaiming Christ crucified and by gathering as Lutherans to stand up for the life of the unborn. Through life marches, Lutherans remember the lives lost to abortion, pray for mothers who are vulnerable to abortion, and ask the Lord to turn the hearts of abortion advocates to His Son.

January 2024 marked the 50th anniversary of the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. Even though Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, the battle to preserve life and abolish radical abortion laws continues. The vote on abortion now occurs in legislatures at the state level, so LCMS Life Ministry has shifted its focus to the life marches taking place around the country. During many state life marches, participants have an opportunity to make appointments directly with their representatives to encourage them to protect and care for all human life, from conception to natural death.

Lutherans outside the Arizona State Capitol after the 2024 Arizona March for Life on Friday, March 1, 2024, in Phoenix.

LCMS participation in life marches continues to increase each year. LCMS Life Ministry supported six events with approximately 350 participants in 2021–2022. That grew to 17 events with 950 participants in 2022–2023, and 23 events with approximately 2,000 participants in 2023–2024. Mercy dollars are a tremendous blessing in the effort to speak up for life at marches and are used to support LCMS participation in marches across the country.

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