Summer 2020

During the time of COVID-19, the church has been scattered, stressed, struggling, shut in, serving … and SAVED. Dear reader, this issue of Lutherans Engage the World speaks to all of it and more. A beautiful thread runs through these pages, despite the challenges of the day, as the church continues for the life of the world.
The Gospel goes forth and Christ’s mercy changes lives — and God blesses all of it. Your prayers and financial support of the witness and mercy work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod have never been more important. We thank God for His providence. We thank God for you.
In Christ,
Pamela J. Nielsen
Associate Executive Director, LCMS Communications
Feature Stories
- The Church of Today and Tomorrow
For 40 years, Lutheran Youth Fellowship has raised up strong leaders for the church. - Extraordinary Measures in Extraordinary Times
The Synod’s missionaries serve in new and changing ways amid the coronavirus pandemic. - We Are All Shut-ins (for) Now
Like pastors across the country, the Rev. John Zimmerman and his flock have adjusted to the realities of the coronavirus pandemic and eagerly await a return to in-person fellowship.
Also in This Issue
- Q&A: With Chaplain Steven Hokana
- Update: Assisting church workers during the pandemic
- Mercy Moment: Stemming the spread of COVID-19 in Africa
- Witness Moment: Bringing the Gospel to soldiers in all situations
- Director’s Letter: Clinging to God’s Certain Promises