Spring 2020

This issue of Lutherans Engage the World is framed by two statements: “[Teaching] the grace of God in Christ for our salvation,” and “We show the love of Christ to people who are hurting and in need.” This is what making disciples for life looks like — witness and mercy here, there and everywhere to hungry souls. Take a break to sit down with this issue and see how God is working through His church!
In Christ,
Pamela J. Nielsen
Associate Executive Director, LCMS Communications
Feature Stories
- Promoting Physical and Spiritual Health in Peru
A Mercy Medical Team traveled to Lima, Peru, in February to assist Lutheran pastors as they connect with the community. - United in the Mission of the Church
Meet three of the Synod’s missionaries who are serving in the Czech Republic, Papua New Guinea and Kenya.
- Standing Before the Throne
Memorial Lutheran Church is located in the most ethnically diverse metropolitan area of the United States, and the congregation’s doors are wide open with the Gospel.
Also in This Issue
- Q&A: With Chaplain James Buckman
- Mercy Moment: Chainsaw training equips LERT members.
- Witness Moment: Combining faith and learning in Omaha, Neb.
- Update: Hope amid Puerto Rico’s earthquakes.
- Director’s Letter: Life Together in the Crucified Christ