Online Edition

Past Magazine Issues

Lutherans Engage – Summer 2020

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gospel goes forth and Christ’s mercy changes lives.

Lutherans Engage – Spring 2020

Lutherans proclaim the Gospel and serve their neighbors on all seven continents.

Lutherans Engage – Winter 2020

The Gospel goes forth in unexpected ways to reach people in unexpected places.

Lutherans Engage – Fall 2019

From Florida to Tanzania, God is at work through His church.

Lutherans Engage – Summer 2019

Visit congregations across the United States — from California to Kansas to Georgia — in the summer issue.

Lutherans Engage – Spring 2019

God brings His people together in Christ — in Papua New Guinea, in Lutheran schools, in “Sin City” and in our nation’s capital.

Lutherans Engage – Winter 2019

Christ’s mercy is at the heart of the Winter 2019 issue of Lutherans Engage the World.

Lutherans Engage – Fall 2018

This issue is full of incredible stories of the Gospel going forth behind bars, across barriers and over borders in places few of us have ever considered. See how the Gospel equips and enables God’s people to love and connect with others quite different from themselves.

Lutherans Engage – Summer 2018

These are stories of God working through His Church — through YOU — to bring real hope to the inner city, after a disaster, in remote villages and through a man who remembers a child on a war-ravaged island 73 years ago.

Lutherans Engage – Spring 2018

In the Spring 2018 issue of Lutherans Engage the World, see how God is opening doors in unique ways and in diverse locations.

Lutherans Engage – Winter 2018

In this issue, read stories from inner-city Boston, the Texas disaster zone, Latin America and beyond.

Lutherans Engage – Fall 2017

Congregations are actively reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lending a helping hand in laundromats and meat plants, on city streets and country farms.

Lutherans Engage – Summer 2017

From Gary, Ind., to the Gambia, this issue is focused on missionaries and how you, with many others, help them to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

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