Summer 2018

The Rev. Gary Schulte, LCMS area director for West and Central Africa, helps American and Sierra Leonean medical workers carry boxes of supplies for the Mercy Medical Team clinic, which was held in Yardu, Sierra Leone, in May.
“From Fear to Hope” could be the theme for this entire issue. These are stories of God working through His Church — through YOU — to bring real hope to the inner city, after a disaster, in remote villages and through a man who remembers a child on a war-ravaged island 73 years ago. St. Paul writes about this hope: “[Christ] delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again” (2 Cor. 1:10). Thank you for sharing the hope that is in you through your prayers, gifts and partnership! In Christ, Pamela J. Nielsen Associate Executive Director, LCMS Communications
Feature Stories
- Changed by Storms God is at work in Puerto Rico following the hurricanes that devastated the island last fall.
- Walking in Wyneken’s Footsteps The Wyneken Project is promoting and preserving the Lutheran identity in the heart of Baltimore.
- From Fear to Hope In May, an LCMS Mercy Medical Team traveled to Sierra Leone, bringing physical healing and the Word of God.
- Christ in Concrete Lutheran schools from L.A. to Miami are bringing God’s Word to the children entrusted to their care.
Also in This Issue
- Q&A with Lutheran Young Adult Corps Participant Courtney Haag
- Mercy Moment: A joint program is bringing hope to children in Kenya.
- Witness Moment: A grant supports outreach through a community garden.
- Donor Spotlight: A 1945 encounter is blessing children in the Philippines today.
- Director’s Letter: United in the Gospel