Fall 2018

An LCMS missionary holds artwork painted by an Iranian refugee who now attends Die Brücke Lutheran outreach center in Leipzig, Germany. The painting contains frightening imagery from the woman’s life.
Feature Stories
- Bringing the Reformation to Bucharest The Confessional Lutheran Church in Romania and its pastor are bringing the true Gospel to Romanians.
- Joyfully Lutheran in the City and the Country Whether in urban Detroit or rural Iowa, all people are in need of the same thing: Jesus Christ.
- A Bridge to the Gospel Die Brücke, a Lutheran outreach center in Leipzig, Germany, is connecting refugees and native Germans to Christ.
- Finding Forgiveness Inmates in Columbia City, Ind., are hearing the Gospel thanks to St. John Lutheran Church’s jail ministry.
Also in This Issue
- Q&A with Concordia University, Nebraska, President Brian Friedrich
- Mercy Moment: A Taiwanese vicar is sharing his Gospel hope with others.
- Witness Moment: Indonesian Lutherans are caring for their neighbors.
- Spotlight: The Global Seminary Initiative helps form church leaders.
- Director’s Letter: Proclaiming Liberty to Souls in Prison