Fall 2019

“I just really felt the loving hand of God through this church.” The words of a young mother who was embraced by the members of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Sanford, Fla., echo throughout this issue of Lutherans Engage the World.
From Tanzania and
In Christ,
Pamela J. Nielsen
Associate Executive Director, LCMS Communications
Feature Stories
- Leaving the Darkness, Proclaiming the Light
Many Lutherans in Tanzania seek to learn and teach the truth of the Scriptures as found in the Lutheran Confessions, and they are asking the LCMS to join them. - Unconditional Love and Undeserved Grace
Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries in Sanford, Fla., is a small ministry that’s making a big impact in the lives of expectant mothers in crisis. - ‘Real. Present. God.’
Teens, leaders and volunteers descend on Minneapolis for the Synod’s 14th triennial Youth Gathering.
Also in This Issue
- Q&A: With Mercy Medical
Teamvolunteer HaydenRensner - Mercy Moment: A grant provides for Lutherans in Malawi
- Witness Moment: The first class graduates from the Dominican seminary
- Director’s Letter: Alive Under the Lord’s Grace