Spring 2023

“The workers [in Nagercoil, India,] wept as they held in their hands the story of how their great-great-great-grandfathers were brought into the faith through the waters of Baptism. It was the story of how their whole family had been saved.”

Wow. What a line from the article “Remembering the Saints” in this issue of Lutherans Engage the World! Those of us who come from a long line of Christians may never get the chance to hold a record like this in our hands. Yet we are all part of the same family in Christ — a family that transcends all times and places and languages. I hope you’ll take a moment to ponder this wonderful gift of God as you read the stories in the Spring 2023 issue.

Feature Stories

  • Part of a Family
    Lutherans support mothers and their little ones through pro-life ministries in Texas and Missouri.

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