Engage Stories

Q&A with Chaplain Gregory Todd

Todd is chief of chaplains for the U.S. Navy, where he supervises 1,100 Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard chaplains.

Walking Side by Side in Christ

At a recent convention, the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil celebrated their shared history and solidified plans for future collaboration.

Hope for the Future

A collaboration between the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya supports the education and Christian formation of young people in need, from primary school to college.

‘Immerse Without Drowning’

The importance of vicarage on pastoral formation.

Fostering a Lutheran Identity in Latin America

Church leaders from throughout the region gather in the Dominican Republic to celebrate the graduation of 15 church workers and to learn about a new Spanish-language hymnal.

‘One in Christ’

LCMS Black Ministry and LCMS Hispanic Ministry both held events this summer, after postponing them during the pandemic.

‘In All Things’

Some 20,000 Lutheran youth and adults flocked to Houston in July for the 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering.

Loving and Serving Local Families

Our Savior Lutheran Church in Carol Stream, Ill., serves families in the community through its monthly Breakfast with Baby event.

God Gives the Growth

As East African churches experience rapid growth, the LCMS comes alongside to help prepare new pastors and church workers for service.

‘The Word Does Everything’

Students and staff of the Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia, gather in Wittenberg, Germany, for a week of in-person learning and fellowship.

The Return to Rome

A handful of Lutherans have come together to plant the first confessional Lutheran church in Italy.

Teaching the Unchanging Truth to God’s Children

At Lutheran schools in California and Wisconsin, students of different backgrounds and abilities are taught about the love of their Savior, Jesus Christ.

Q&A with Rev. James Krikava, Eurasia Regional Director

The Rev. James Krikava talks about what The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is doing to assist Ukraine and displaced Ukrainians amid the current crisis.

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